Returning from a power walk, throughout which Henrietta was allowed to scamper freely along the neighborhood’s roadsides, Thalia collects a bounty of damp leaf litter. “Shihhhf-ting from flowers to leeeeee-vz! Next up, sn —”
“Noooo!” Nia grumbles. “Let us not leap — to frozen flakes — quite yet.”
“I do so love… the variety of seasons…” Calliope searches for a scissors, “… and the abundance of materials we get to explore.”
The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.
Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how… The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.
~Agnes De Mille
A note from LoveLetterist:
We don't always get the dog we want. Sometimes we get the dog we need. 😂
Anyone who's been with us for a while knows that Henrietta has at times been more of a bite than a joy. Barkhowlbarkbarkbark, anyone?
And yet...
She brings me so much growth through relationship.
What would have been un-thinkable a year ago is now reality.
My girl walked the neighborhood off-leash and listened like a champ.
Cancer taught me that our hardest won battles can be the most satisfying.
Whatever is poking us might be one of life's greatest gifts. 🤷🏻♀️
I won’t belabor the point (too much), but whose idea was it to draw a black bat beside a black cat on the bright yellow leaf?! Jack! Jack!! Don’t look. You remember what happened the last time my Rorschach-ing got the better of me. 🤔
The exchange between Tal and Nia (ever wonder how Tal would do on some medicine for her Hyperactivity Disorder🤔) brought to mind an exchange I had with Julie B. Hughes recently. About walking into a big box store, hoping to score a talking pumpkin, just as the reindeer rush past, trampling a Hallowe’en witch! Rushing the whole holiday experience into an unpunctuated tangle!
I should read more Voltaire...
Imagine this! Agnes de Mille wrote a book titled Leaps In The Dark. Moreover my quick search of her revealed the life of a dynamo. Dancer. Choreographer. Director. With Tal’s twirling skills, that might suggest a career path that could burn some of her surplus energy. Not a complete schism from the three of you, of course. You could travel to watch her performances while meeting other creatives. Kool Beans?
For right now, LoveLetterist, you appear to have a meme factory living in your studio! Just remember to prepare for snow castle production. Maybe a boundary for what works where could be discussed before the first heavy snow? 😉