Nia read from the New Oxford American. “Indelible — Making marks that cannot be removed. Is it weird that American’s have made a New Oxford dictionary?”
“Not really,” said Cal. “They like to… put their own spin on things… to make the old… new?”
“Thank gooooood-ness for indelible’s opposite! Erasable!” Thalia kneaded their shred-less eraser.
It’s the same way with courageous acts in your daily round. They may be so small that only you realize something is going on. But one day, all those small but indelible moments of private courage will burst through. And both you and your world will have changed in an authentic moment.
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
Tweet: “I need everyone to wish me luck. I have a meeting at the bank later and if all goes well, I will be out of debt. I'm so excited I can barely put on my ski mask.” 😁
There has GOT to be a story behind the subject in the drawing! Chewing on her collar out of pain? Trying to concentrate? 🤔
Thank goodness for discernible features in today’s drawing! Google News has had a run on “Can You Find The Concealed Leopard” or “Can You Find Rudolph’s Red Nose (among a group of red reindeer??)” challenges. Today I’m happy to see one eye tightly shut and the other open, highlighted by a stylized eyebrow!
Is the zipper detail indicating, “Zip your lip?”
While viewed exactingly the drawing’s character doesn’t quite square up with drawist/typist, my subjective assessment beholds typist looking us square in the eye. Consistent with Sarah Ban Breathnach’s words. The small but indelible, barely perceptible, daily acts that one day burst through. And you and your world will have changed in an authentic moment! (Forgive my mash up of Sarah’s and typist’s actual words! 😔 Hence lack of “ “)
I for one delight in all the “bursting out” I’ve been privileged to witness over just this current year’s events. Sort of the “Suit up, Show up” approach to living with integrity. And courage, I might add, as writist, paintist, bloggist allows us to see what she’s up to!
So, welcome to that face full of feelings and ideas we’ve been graced with today!