“Are we night writers now?” asked the Muse of Many Questions.
“I think we’re write when-Typist -feels-up-to-it writers,” Thalia sighed. “We’re learning… and it seems an empty morning stomach is not our friend.”
“We’ll figure it out.” Urania dried off brush bristles with a crinkled napkin. “Support and love is pouring in from many directions.”
A word from Typist:
I’m learning cancer is not a solitary endeavor.
People who love and care about me are affected, too.
Thank you to everyone.
I’m grateful for everything you are giving.
Art Attack — The overwhelming feeling of having so many creative ideas at once and not enough time to do them all. 😁
Deb offered this one. DEB: “I work with people like this on church projects. It’s exhausting!”
Lo and behold, we are appearing. I won't steal Gary's thunder and try to record the muses' conversations, but Urania was right. Support and love is pouring in. Sleep well, all four of you.