“Do you guys remember the first piece Typist published for 100 Naked Words?” Cal asked.
Thalia twirled. “It was before she knew we were here to help her… all ‘Just the facts ma’am’ with little pizazz.” The Muse of Wit feigned a yawn. “As if Nia alone was guiding the pen. Amirite?”
“Possibly…” Nia scratched a mosquito bite on her back, “… but I’m also the one who made sure she… we… showed up every day, making space for Typist to grow into everything we continue to grow into.”
“Good point,” said Cal.
“Well said,” Tal agreed. “Huzzah!”
Words from Typist:
I’m reading The 30th Anniversary edition of The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I’ve just finished the book’s introduction — a delightful short story in itself. You see, the author’s life, and the dots and synchronicities that led him to write The Princess Bride make me believe in the mystery and magic of a friendly Universe.
We walk alone, and yet we need each other to help fill in our missing pieces.
Ever since the beginning,
To keep the world spinning,
It takes all kinds of kinds…
Your title caused me to pause. Curious why you chose in a beginning rather than in the beginning. Was it deliberate? Days later the choice of words resonates. I love the triangle thought diagram. I’m a visual learner and the drawing helps me to see the beauty and uniqueness of the muses in a different light.
Sorry I have been MIA- school ended and work restarted seems like my break wasn’t nearly long enough to finish my projects!
I have been repainting the interior of the house, fixing everything that seems to have broken like a table leg on an old antique chessboard table that my Dad leaned on by mistake, a kitchen drawer that somehow the face came off but the drawer stayed in, the garden was a little out of control but better now, and trying to figure out my next move with my passion.
And just like that 2.5 weeks have gone by! I got most of everything done but still fighting the kitchen drawer and purging my ridiculous amount of clothes and shoes. I came up here to the Catskills to take care of my Dad with dress clothes I never wear now, dress work clothes same, high heels that I haven’t worn since I don’t remember when, and tons of catering clothes, kitchen clothes yadda yadda. I have decided to get rid of most everything and start over much smaller. I was just 50 a minute ago- long dark hair running around in dresses and heels. now I am 60 with short grey hair, little to no make up and really starting to embrace life!
I was told by a friend that in Chinese culture the number 60 is a rebirth! And that’s exactly what I am doing! Not starting over because I have the wisdom of the last 60 years but not giving into what culture, people, or anyone has to say about me, since that is their problem not mine! I am just finally free to be me!
The Covid weight will come off, the stress of the past is no longer mine to hold on to, and I am just giving it up to God... all of it. I saw a friend today who I hadn’t seen since the chop and she loved not just the hair cut but how much happier I am.
And while I am on a roll, I am going to start that weed whacker up after my evening meditation and free up some space around the trees!
Sending you so much love! Xoxo