“Gahhhhhhh!” Thalia tosses an acorn across the room. “Why-eee won’t the hahhhhhts stay on?!”
“Mature.” Nią balances a nut in an apple’s dimple and props the top with aid from the fruit. “Don’t need them anymore.”
“Remember when… our friend gifted us those three delicious words…” Cal rolls a smooth, brown, oval between her palms, “… follow the energy…”
“ — instead of the fruhhhhh-stra-shun!”
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
~ John Milton — Paradise Lost
A note from LoveLetterist:
I have fallen in love with the exploits of becorns. (Thank you Bobby for sharing in a 3mm comment a few days back.)
I can appreciate and be inspired by David M. Bird and his creations without having to be David M. Bird. He got me to pull acorns from a low branch yesterday. At my touch, many nuts fell to the ground leaving their hats behind.
We can love and appreciate his "thing" without it having to be our "thing".
My "thing" requires a different kind of patience and awareness. Writing allows me to swap one hat for another as the weather, and my mood, calls for it.
Wishing the same for you!
Follow the energy...
I must confess to experiencing Thalia-isms! Chafing at the "Is" of certain things... The natural order! Pffft! Nonetheless I enjoyed seeing the embodiment of Joni Mitchell's lyric: "Give me spots on the apples, but leave me the birds and the bees!" I'd like to think Joni would have advocated for our furry buddies that enjoy munching on acorns, too.
The word link, "Mature", was nearly a rabbit hole in itself. When I saw at the bottom of that page, "Wanna learn more acorn-y fun facts?" In life there are times when it is time to turn the page.
Would a glue gun have been cheating? Would Thalia have been content with inserting an artificial element into the arrangement of otherwise natural elements? Artistic license?
Vapid questions notwithstanding, this reader appreciates yet another cheery greeting for a new day!