“Here’s hoping April snow showers bring May flowers!” Cal exclaimed.
“And baby birds in nests!” said Nia.
“And…” Thalia tested her balloon’s tethers, “Is floating south an option if the weather doesn’t spring-up around here.”
A word from Typist:
The hyacinths are giving it their all despite conditions.
T-shirt: “Instead of ‘HAVE A NICE DAY’ I think I’ll start saying ‘HAVE THE DAY YOU DESERVE.’ You know, let karma sort that out.” 😁
We had temps in the teens a couple weeks ago. Our hyacinths (and daffs, and crocus) laughed it off. A few days later we had afternoon temps close to 80° (#aprilweather) and half our flowers were over! 😫
And then the tulips came up. 😊
My offering today is a word gifted to me by a friend. The word is muditā. A noun, Sanskrit or Pali, meaning sympathetic or unselfish joy, or joy in the good fortune of others.
I find and relish in the joy I feel, expressed by each of you, every time I visit this blog and read these posts and the replies.
I Am #Grateful 🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼