Calliope wrinkled her nose and squinted her eyes at Thalia. “She was nice!”
“I didn’t say she wasn’t nice. I said her personality was flat… like a poured grape, lemon-lime, or cherry soda left out on a table for couple of days.” Thalia sipped through her straw and giggled at the bubbles popping on her tongue.
“Do you know what tickled me?” Nia asked while holding her palms over her chest. “Hearing Typist’s heartbeat! Whoooosh, whoosh, whooooosh.”
“Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub,” Cal’s alto chimed.
Thalia jingled her soprano. “Tip-tap, tip-tap, tip-tap.”
“It was kind of funny…” Cal blushed. “When Typist asked the tech for a movie recommendation to help get her though the next six months…”
Cherry soda spurted from Thalia’s nose. “She said… she said… she doesn’t watch movies, so Typist asked her if there were any books she might suggest…”
Nia handed Thalia a napkin… even the Muse of Determination couldn’t stifle her smile, “The heart specialist recommended anything written by a certain popular and prolific… romance author.”
“Good news,” said Typist to her jingle-jangling trio. “The clinic just called. Our heart is strong and healthy.”
A word from Typist:
All in all… so far, so good.
I’m learning how to manage my side effects… mostly with naps.
I don’t mind getting older, but my body is taking it badly. 😁
OTOH, as long as the body is still taking it... 💚
Yay Typist! Great news.
What caught my attention was that each Muse heard a different sound from your heart. Inter-laced with that comment is that much of life is that way. Despite that, good speakers, writers, and, yes, even paintists, find the right message and medium and community results. Nice.