Thalia checks out Nia’s boots. “Tho-zzzz are cute with a capital Q!” She absently opens a social-media-delivered shoe ad.
“CUT!” Nia starts them over. “Take 2!”
“Life would be so flat…” Calliope grins, “… without heart… and its director.”
Direct the life you want.
~Ava DuVernay
A note from LoveLetterist:
Instagram ads aren't all bad. 😂
The linked Ava DuVernay Masterclass ad inspired today's Loveletter. 🤩
Last night I attended a class on Zoom directed by my friend DJ Ehlert.
There, he shared his system(s) for goal setting and planning.
One immediately actionable tip I walked away with is a daily "quadrant".
Draw a square with a cross inside. My 1/8/24 answers in parenthesis...
Top left square: Start (Daily Quadrant)
Top right square: Stop (Scrolling)
Lower left: More (Writing)
Lower right: Less (Perseverating)
Remember -- All of life is an experiment!
DJ is hosting two more sessions in January.
If you'd like to attend, please reply to this email.
You zigged then I stumbled! Seeing the caption immediately suggested Sting’s album, Brand New Day. In the boots theme I promptly thought of Nancy Sinatra: “These boots are made for walkin’ and that’s just what they’ll do. One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.” Not that either.
I can agree on your graphic about starting a new day. Today! And Nia’s boots really are cute with a capital Q. If Calliope’s comment refers to you, she speaks the truth.
Full speed ahead! 😁