“Weeee could be cry-ahhhwhnz for Halloweeeeeeen!”
“We — are invisible.” Nią puzzles how that might work. “There is only LoveLetterist in physical form. What color would she be?”
Take pride in your courage for it leads to difficult situations which, once overcome, leave you more than what you were before. Only in the most extreme of pressures does carbon become diamond.
~Ioannis Loukopoulos — Kaleidoscope
For some reason multi-colored crayons seem... not familiar (too few details) but tangible. 🤔
My kaleidoscopic brain at first glance was reminded of ZZ Top. But there were just 2 of them... And no beards.
Francilustreerts has a wonderful eye and imagination. As do your Muse buds. Choosing “kaleidoscope” was brilliant.
Looking again at the puddles around the ... feet of the crayons brings back memories of my water-logged walk with Izzie yesterday am. I think the crayons would enjoy being towel dried just like Iz. 😁 Joy!