“Oh my! Ohhhhh my-eeeee! OH mye, mye, mye!” Thalia jogs in place and claps her hands. “We have GOT to post today’s Wordle answer on our bakery friend’s social media!”
“No.” Nia clears her throat.
Calliope explains. “We want to support them… of course we do. And the connection betwixt puzzle and bakery is… synchronous… and…”
Nia’s tone is unbecoming of the angel she aspires to become. “If we post the answer at 8 am, we’ll ruin the puzzle for others. Think Thalia— think!”
“I’ve captured a photo…” Cal continues, “… We can post the connection on the Bread Pedaler’s Instagram…”
“TOMORROW!” Thalia boops Nia on the nose and heads outside to play ball with Henny.
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.
~ Sally Koch
T-shirt: “Karma means I can rest easy at night knowing all the people I treated badly had it coming.” 😁
Not sure if that applies to spoilers, though... 😉
Ah, the moral conflict of playing games. Thankful for the collective voice of the three muses to show us the way.