Thalia plucked a feather from her curls and plopped into a chair. She panted, “That… was… fun! And we learned a lot about fractions.”
“Fractals,” Urania corrected.
“And we’ll file what we chased and collected into Typist’s subconscious,” said Calliope. “At least the parts we understood. They might be useful in another way… another day.”
Urania asked, “Sometimes you gotta go — just to find out that’s not where you want to be — at least not right now?”
“All part of the puzzle I suppose,” Thalia opened Drawist’s pencil caddy, “and I’ve another idea! A picture book about…”
“Not right now.” Urania crossed, uncrossed, and re-crossed her legs. “There’s a line between exploration and procrastination. Today can we please write first, explore second?”
Feeling energized after a weekend of drawing, painting, and walking, Cal and Tal nodded their agreement. “Yes.”
Words from Typist:
A reading from the jacket of What Do You Do With A Chance? by Kobi Yamada, illustrated by Mae Besom.
A wonderful lesson! First, an example of balance and staying the course. Then in the audio, I heard about risk taking, self awareness, perserverance, mixed with "Why not?" From fractals back to the task at hand. Your illustration of the goose was wonderful! Much more a Jim Carrey goose than the Mother Goose from nursery rhymes.
I love your goose. Nice job.