Nia stretches, elongating her spine. “Quite an improvement over yesterday’s burro.”
Thalia picks a stray pice of oatmeal cookie from their keyboard and pops it in her mouth. “Ahhhhhssssssssss-k me what a homophone is?”
Cal bites. “What’s a homophone?”
“Burrow, burro, borough —” Tal taps her fingers on studio’s tabletop. “Words that sahhw-ooond the same, but are sspehhhl-d different.”
“With different meanings,” Nia adds. “Humans — know how to keep life interesting.”
Life is a series of baby steps.
~Hoda Kotb
🎶A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,
To see what he could see, see, see… 🎶
A note from LoveLetterist:
I feel...
In other news...
I picked up birdseed from the feed mill in town this week. Local chickadees, juncos, and nuthatches are visiting.
This is a double treat for me because:
a.) I got to meet 11-week-old golden retriever pup "Riker" at the feed mill and,
b.) The feasting fliers are fun to watch.
If you have an extra minute you might like:
Does today’s donkey know any other Bob Marley songs? (Of course “Redemption” was a fabulous selection.)
Tal’s treatment of the piece of cookie reminds me of our dog and cat, eagerly awaiting our de-tabling at the end of a meal. They’re the vacuum crew with hawk eye vision and eager tongues. And quieter than a Roomba.
With this energetic start to your day, I see many accomplishments in the offing! Don’t overload the burro... 😊