“Paahhhhhp song?” Thalia queries, “Ohhhrrr epic novel?”
Nia looks up. “Depends —”
“… on the the transmitter… and the receiver.” Cal’s heart trots with awareness. “Our world has room… and requirement… for both? More yes, and… less, either or.”
When you work with a horse, you are a herd of two.
A note from LoveLetterist:
If you listen to the song linked above, you might feel a skip in your step for the rest of the day.
Shania is catchy and contagious.
If you watch the 13 minute video about horses and their trainer, you might feel relaxed, tranquil, and like you contain the possibility to lead yourself and others.
A long time ago a friend and I were involved in an either/or conversation.
I was team short and sweet -- pop song.
He was team go deep -- epic novel.
I have come to learn that for everything there is a season.
Life is not either/or... life is right now.
Life is relationship...
You can chuckle at this: I clicked to see the video and when I saw Shania’s name my first thought was “I thought she was long gone from the music scene!” Ummm, well, double no! I read she’s the #1 female recording artist in country music. And about your age. Spring chickens to be sure! I get the feeling you weren’t horsing around this morning, judging by the “fine as a rainbow trout” horse you drew/painted!
Diane Wolfer’s comments about the true nature of stallions and mares rings true to me. I admire people that work with creatures that too are part of Great Spirit... and treat them that way.
All said, you hit the nail on the head today! (Not the one for the horseshoes...) 😊