Calliope places her palms on Tal’s cheeks. “LoveLetterist has your smile… and your laugh.”
Nia jots a few room-for-improvement notes, then looks at Cal. “And your thoughtfulness. Every time she looks up, she’s listening for our guidance… and since you are our harmonizer… it’s your voice she hears.”
Everything we do is practice for something greater than where we currently are. Practice only makes for improvement.
~Les Brown
A note from LoveLetterist:
Ed Brengar is a writer and podcaster who impacts my thinking, being, and doing.
I appreciate his generous invitation to converse with him about POISE.
Last month's video-a-day challenge helped me to become comfortable with seeing and hearing myself in digital form. I can now unleash Nia to look for ways we might improve our presentation skills.
Thank you Ed for this opportunity to share and to practice!
I came across a post that offered three questions to engage with every morning.
1.) Why are you here?
2.) What will be your legacy?
3.) What do you want?
I've been playing with my answers... and the most interesting thing is... they are fluid, continuing to evolve.
When I read “thriving” below today’s sketch I knew just what to do! The first comment in response to the video read, “My kids are convinced this was shot from a choo-choo train with a camera on the side.” 😊
I just finished watching you with Ed Brenegar, calmly and modestly sharing your genius! An atmosphere, colored with my pride in seeing what you’ve already accomplished, existed throughout the viewing time. Urges to turn to someone beside me and say, “I know her. Isn’t she great!”
Of course there was no one beside me. (It’s okay to have imaginary friends, both in our younger years as well as once we turn 74 😉) It was also easy to imagine the soundtrack for the interview with Ed. “This Little Light Of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine” Maybe as a lead-in to the discussion?
Turning back to today’s LoveLetter, I swear I saw Book 5 in reference to your doodles! I can’t wait! (Just a figure of speech. No pressure from me.) The amalgam of folks and critters and a mysterious sedan at the bottom are thought provoking. As Ed said, “Keep writing!”
The interjections by each Muse today were spot on! And nicely harmonious with your remarks answering Ed’s questions.
How do people live without at least one Muse?
Always, all the best!