Is it any wonder I like to hang out with trees and streams? People… and muses… so often contradict themselves. Calliope listened to her inner dialogue and sketched needles with an HB pencil on a pine she’d drawn.
Urania read aloud from Typist’s social media feeds, “Extraordinary results come from ordinary people with uncommon consistency. Success is never owned, it is rented… and the rent is due every day.” She scratched her neck viciously at the thought of two un-shipped 3musesmerge letters in the past week.
Thalia sipped her homemade latte, which was really regular ‘ole coffee with a splash of half&half. “Rest and be thankful. William Wordsworth,” the Muse of Wit sighed.
“Honestly!” Calliope put her hands over her ears. “You two are like the billboards we saw along the highway on our drive. Reading them, I felt as if marijuana, whiskey, and wine are in a playoff game with addiction support services.” The Muse of Harmony held up her nature scene for the other two muses to see. “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. Ralph Waldo Emerson.”
A question and a few words from Typist:
Are humans part of nature?
This question is a favorite of mine.
The wedding was great! Beauty, love, food, a little dancing, and cake!
Before the festivities, I enjoyed a wonderful stroll on a boardwalk through a cedar swamp. Without the constructed walkway there is no way we could have ventured through the boggy, mossy, wet terrain. An informational sign indicated that an early developer tried to fill in the swamp so that he could build on the land. When it became clear that nature was having none of his ambitious plan, he shifted gears and set about restoring the swamp and making it accessible for humans to enjoy.
Reinvention is a core competency?
Oh! And today’s title… gainsay is a synonym of contradict.
I’m grateful to learn something new everyday. :)
Sounds like you enjoyed a fine time! The stream in the picture is itself a contradiction. What appears as a flow of clear water emanates from a swamp. Our minds might conjure up stagnant, foul-smelling water. Muck hardly suggests clear water. Rotting trees, perhaps even croaked critters, doesn’t help. But Nature’s patient pace allows for precipitation of sediment, oxygenation to allow decomposition, and filtration as the water makes its way to the stream bed.
As is the case for me, lack of information leads to unsupported assumptions and conclusions. That segues nicely with your question, Gail, if humans are part of nature. Have we lost our connections with the earth? Sleeping in light-filled cities wrecks our circadian rhythms. Awareness of wildlife is harder to come by today than it’s ever been. Perhaps we are apart from Nature?
Please visit more places of natural wonder! Pretty please! I think we’d all benefit. But hurry before the black flies arrive! 😱 CURE!
I love that I learned a new word today! How fun. Also, humans are walking, talking contradictions. With 60,000 thoughts swirling in our minds every day, many (most) probably contradict one another. What a beautiful mess we are.💕