“An opportunity!” Thalia looked at the Snotty’s box and knew something was off. “3-deeeeee sketching practice!”
“We need practice alright.” Urania was certain there was a missing line on the left side of the box.
Cal coughed into a tissue. “Good enough… for today. Now let’s take another nap.”
Ninety percent of success in life is just showing up.
~Woody Allen
Sign: “I just bought a pair of shoes, but I think the guy who sold them to me was a drug dealer. I'm not sure what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.” 😁
I did 3D drawings in a high school drawing class, but they were highly calculated — I would never have tried freehand. And later in life I discovered software that let me “draw” 3D worlds — fun, but a different skill required.
“Howww-dee! I’m just so proud to be here!” Minny Pearl, Grand Ole Opry, from a little while ago... Feel better soon! Any tags still on what you’re wearing? 😮