“Duhn-nuh-daaaaa! Dun-nuh-daaa!” Thalia’s heart blasted Rocky’s theme song. “Let’s get going!” she shrieked while sliding into the studio. “Just look at that airplane Drawist nicked! Scintillating!”
The corners of Nia’s mouth curved north. “Kairos and chronos. Passion and reason. Relationship builds a radiant reality.”
Calliope collapsed onto a studio chair. “About time. Now that we’re committed to bringing our dreams to life… we’ll need a more comfortable chair.”
Words scooped, savored, and digested by Typist:
Penny for your thoughts?
Your POP is shaping up nicely!!! I love it. Your sketch is wonderful.
“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” ~Harley Davidson