“Do you think…” Calliope wears the expression of a mischievous five-year-old, “… our friends will know who belongs with which treat?”
Nia rolls her eyes. “Yes.”
Dress dotted with all the colors of the rainbow Thalia ponders. “Maybe — but then again, maybe not!”
There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven’t even started wondering about yet.
~ Rolad Dahl
Easy-peasy. Left to right: Nia, Tal, Cal. I hasten to add that much of this connectivity, ice cream cone to Muse, is based on appearances and outward behaviors. AmIright?
What we don’t always see as distinctly are the contents of their heart of hearts. The ideas they hold about the world. Career aspirations? (No worries. They seem right at home on this layover on their timeless journeys.) A suppressed fear of dogs? 🙃 Inter-Muse jealousy and competition?
What we see on the outside doesn’t always reflect the insides. Engagement with, caring about, and supporting our friends might offer a window, tiny or otherwise, into the vastness of their interiors.
I’ll have another scoop of huckleberry!