“From our inbox, Saturday’s inspiring quote…” Calliope cleared her throat and read, “‘You build your mind, so make it into something you want to live with’… Marilynne Robinson. Hmmm… I have no idea who she is, but I really appreciate the reminder in what she said.”
“Garbage in, garbage out.” Urania looked up from the pencil she was sharpening.
“Orrrrrrrrr!” Thalia sang. “Beauty innnnn, beauuuuuuty out! Thought provoking innnnn, thought provokiiiiinnngggg out! I looked Marilynne up… she’s a writer… a prolific writer.”
Words from Typist:
What feathers are you adding to your cap today?
I feel blessed to have many friends who remind me that: Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul. ~Emily Dickinson
My friend Billie Short recently published Decorating My Funk With Some Live Music. What I love about this (all of) her post(s) is that she doesn’t deny that life comes with bumps. She gracefully rides them as they come, and turns 🍋 into 🥤. She scores massive bonus points for sharing her experiences with others — leading by example.
Oh! Oh! And one more… How about four minutes and forty-four seconds for a hope-filled Monday Morning Motivational story from David Freedman?
"Beauty innnnn, Beauuuuuuty out!" Thalia is a wise soul, as is typist. I was pondering this morning on the power of our thoughts. Marilynne Robinson says it well. Sometimes we forget how much power we have to control them. We are the architects and engineers of our mind. That is a beautiful thing, isn't it?
Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for always giving me a different view of things. Thank you for inspiring me each day to show up with gratitude and grace. You are my teacher of leading by example.
With social media I find it easy to show up just expecting chatter. I’ve already found some earlier this morning.
Here with 3mm I found inspiration and encouragement! We can choose which wolf to feed. 🙏🏽