“I toooooooohld you popping into the bookshop was a good ideeeeee-ah!” Thalia buffs her nails on fleece.
“Proprietor Eve is —” Nia grasps for a rational description.
“… magical!” Calliope picks up the thread. “Can you believe she’ll allow us to use her space… for free?! And she offered avenues of possibility running in a variety of directions — library potential, an upcoming local book festival, an art crawl…”
“Guidance —” Nia finds what she is looking for, “without detailed directions.”
We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire, next to a moon that moves the oceans, and you don’t believe in magic?
~nicked from Instagram
It simply isn’t an adventure worth telling if there aren’t any dragons.
~J.R.R. Tolkien
A note from LoveLetterist:
Yesterday Thalia got us through the door of a local bookstore.
The trio offered a balance of enthusiasm, grace, and logic that resulted in a meaningful connection filled with possibilities.
How gratifying to see how far we've come in our relationship building abilities!
We learned from Eve that an author's presence is often key to getting books to move from shelves to nightstands. We'll continue to knead ideas on how to share our lessons so that others can stand upon our shoulders.
A couple of ideas -- if you feel moved to assist -- and like me -- are working on your relationship-ing skills:
1.) Host a book club and invite me.
Zoom, and other tools, make the world accessible.
2.) Ask your local library to bring Poise and/or the A-Z series to their collection.
Great dragon! And an equally great contact for getting others’ eyes on your Poise!
The nick was on target! Tolkien makes an excellent for dragons in our writings and tellings. 🐉