“Cal! Nia!” Thalia whisper-shouted and motioned for a pow-wow under studio’s table. “Look! Typist has a doppelgänger writing posts over on Meee-deee-um. She’s pretty good, too! And sometimes… she lets her muses write her posts. You’re not gonna believe this —”
Cal tossed Nia an I’m-gonna-play-along look. “No? What… What won’t we believe?”
“Her muses have the same names as us!” Thalia’s curls sproinged without even being touched.
Nia rested her forehead on the floor. “Indeed. ‘Tis a world of strange design.”
Button: “Sure I have to do it myself, but I can't do it alone!” 😁
Something in that encapsulates your blogging experience, Gail!
🤔 Who’s going to tell Tal?! That would be tantamount to telling a child that Santa is a myth...