“How is it already the middle of the afternoon?” Urania asked. “Here we sit with nothing — no jokes, no quotes, no pithy remarks… no value added.”
“Untrue,” Thalia raised her eyebrows. “We have a deer sketch… with a catchy title complement. That’s something.”
Calliope heard truth from both of her friends and chose to remain quiet. Perhaps Typist could save the day with her words?
Silence from Typist.
😂 Oh joy!
Sign: “In my imaginary neighborhood, you live right next door” 😁
Actually, my imaginary neighborhood would have all sorts of familiar folks in it. All sidewalks are flat (it may look like hills sometimes, but when you walk them they're all flat) and no places to trip or even stub a toe (we had a friend who recently took a header on the sidewalk and is back in the hospital, looking at surgery). The seasons match each person's tastes, which makes for interesting views when walking around the 'hood. The ducks and squirrels are always hungry, cooperative, and ready to be fed. And nobody ever has to eat baby bunnies.
Sometimes when we’re on fire, it may appear we’re just smoldering? But add some wind from all the saxophones and the embers might come to life!
I’m willing to guess creating the deer required a good deal more effort than a Picasso flourish with charcoal on sketch paper? Done in 60 seconds sometimes. To my unrefined eye, Picasso captured form and apparent movement and ambiguous touches. Deary me, on the other hand, has form, details of its coat, ears cocked for sound localization, black hooves, and red lipstick.
My gut instinct supposes this work fits in with the whole skill development for creating the “Big C, Little c, No c” book?! And sometimes Mama was right...