“Reminds me of Two Socks… this connection between man and crane.” Calliope’s attention was keen as she watched the crane trail man on motorbike.
“Oh! Dannnnn-sez with Wolves!” Thalia remembered the magical math that transpired between John Dunbar and the wolf — John Dunbar and the Lakota. “I luvvvvv that film!”
“We don’t always get what we want —” Nia held their second self-addressed Kraft envelope — its stamp cancelled by the post office. “We get what we need.”
Every individual matters.
Every individual has a role to play, every individual makes a difference.
~ Jane Goodall
The crane story is amazing! The sketch ✍🏼, the addition of the feather 🪶 as a mixed media addition AND Dances With Wolves...
Epic film 🎞️. The first movie I watched with my biological mother after we were reunited.
The story, cinematography, the music, my experience... Left an indelible imprint!
For those interested in reviewing YouTube clips, go and seek out the clip where John Dunbar sees the Sioux village for the first time...
A soundtrack treat here:
Thank you! What a gift this little love letter is... ☺️
Whee!! Brain wheels a spinnin’. First I saw that you were writing like my grandfather used to talk. Well, with far greater subtlety, just an unexpected “I” that made its way into the title. 🙂
Then a Rolling Stones lyric! Before the late Lawton Chiles was Florida’s governor he served us in the US Senate. His former chief of staff told a story about a difficult negotiation between Lawton and several Republican Senators on a committee he headed. Approaching noon, Lawton suddenly proclaimed: “In the words of a great, late 20th century poet, ‘Well you can’t always get what you want, but if you try some time, you just might find, you get what you need’” Then they adjourned for lunch.
Both videos underscored our connections to Nature and the value of that-to Nature and us as sentient beings.
It seems the nesting pair of Canada Geese is back for another Spring! Somewhat sad to watch as most hatchlings fall prey to predators. But we’ve become well acquainted (they always nest in the same spot by the trunk of a stately Chestnut Oak) and I share slices of Dave’s Killer Bread. Mr Goose takes pieces from my hand. Mrs Goose is more cautious (serves her role well) and won’t approach me. So Mr Goose allows me to approach gradually so I can toss pieces to her. I’ve been able to feed the goslings with the parents’ blessing. We’ll see how this Spring unfolds.
Jane Goodall! She always struck me as the wildlife biologist equivalent of Mother Theresa. The chimpanzees she loved, studied, and lived with were seen as the result of her research in a whole, new way.
Whether the farmer who saved the crane, John Dunbar and the wolf, or Jane Goodall, they showed us the inter-connections we enjoy with other creatures. Oh! That’s what CONNECTICATION is! 😁