Three muses studied their options.
“Ooooh! Frosted animal cookie,” Calliope crooned.
Urania uttered, “Lavender Honey might have health benefits?”
“How about one scoop of each flavor on the board?” Thalia patted her tummy. “We’ll make room.”
Words from Typist:
It seems my feelings of post-surgical euphoria have dissipated since yesterday. Today I’m tired and want ice cream. 😂
Life… I don’t think you can grab it by the lapels every day!
You may not be able to grab it by the lapels every day but you can have ice cream every day. My mother always said my ice cream compartment isn’t full. Always room for dessert.
Seeing the menu of ice cream selections spun my head (doesn’t take much) into the past! Dan Smith’s Dairy! Giant banana split (a dare in a large trough) called “Pig’s Dinner.” Many scrumptious toppings. I just don’t remember squiggly “n” and “g” on the choices. I can’t remember hearing or reading of nut allergies/reactions/deaths in the wondrous days of yore.🤔
I’m guessing the activity of these past days, Adrenalin boosted, might set a person up for a subsequent crash? Rest is good. Giving oneself permission to do so? Also good. A serving of Salted Caramel Pecan could help. 🙃
For this reader it’s so good to have you back, testing the fit of the artist’s saddle. I soon expect the sound of galloping hooves! (ps: I favor that sound as I grew up listening to AM radio theater of The Lone Ranger - always coconut hooves of varying gaits 😬) And today we get small doses of Gail-speak on some posts. Yay! (No intended comparison with galloping hooves...) All the best!