“I juhhhhst luhhv stories about creatures picking themselves up, dusting off, adapting, and — thriiii-ving in speye-t of advehhr-si-tee!”
“The resilient —” Nia rests a temple on an open palm, “— evolve, adapt, survive.”
Calliope ponders a name for the cheerful little bird. “How about Hope? Because Hope is the thing with feathers?”
Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
A note from LoveLetterist:
This morning when I read the story linked above about the one-eyed redstart I felt enthusiastic and inspired. I am rooting for the little creature to make its way south where it can dart and frolic among bug-filled coffee trees.
Hope makes me want to be a better person.
I recognize that author Bill Davison could have put an entirely different spin on the creature's existence. He could have seen and shared hardship from an angle of woe-is-she rather than look-at-her-go. I am so grateful he took the direction he did.
If we can see it, we can be it.
This is why many of us like the stories of underdogs.
One thing is certain... LIFE will challenge us.
How we respond... Well. that is a question every man must answer for himself.
Thank you for this lovely post. Inspiration— I needed today and love the placement of the wings, made me smile. I also went to the mailbox and four books were delivered! An author named Gail Boenning. WOOHOO! I can't wait to dig in this weekend.