“Cake! Cake-ity cake cake cake!” Thalia peered into the closet and pondered what she might wear for the evening festivities. “Dinner at a restaurant. Wheeeee!”
“Let’s get going,” Nia urged. “We need to walk Henny. We need to stop and pick up a cake. We need to —”
Calliope gazed out into the sunny yard where a doe was plucking crab apples from a low branch. “Hmmmm… Candles. Will we bring ummm… let’s see — eighty-five plus eighty-six is… errr…”
“One hundred and seventy-one. Let’s go!”
Words from Typist:
Heading north to celebrate my dad and Jean’s birthday today. The couple met in mid-September years ago. Jean was moving into the apartment building my dad lived in and he helped move a piece of furniture. Light conversation led them to discover they share the same birth date — September 28. When my dad tells the story he always says, “I felt I had to ask her out to dinner.” And the rest as they say, is history. :)
This morning I came across this phrase:
Growing old is a privilege.
I am grateful to have the opportunity to celebrate with them!
As Gary said ^^ to the power of... a squillion. 🎉🙌 💃🏻🎂
As always Gail, I’m warmed by your outlook on, well, everything. Hopeful. Kind. Compassionate. Generous. Thoughtful.
I know I missed a dozen more, but all the foregoing traits are omnipresent in your thoughts and writings. Have the best dinner, birthday celebration ever!