“NOWWWWWWW I know why the two of you were pulling against me!” Tal referenced yesterday’s tug-of-war. “Last night Typist felt like somebody was stabbing her throat with a knitting needle — not much better this morning. She’s sick! Curse those viral invaders — We’re always vanquishing!”
“Slow is fast.” Urania rested her head on the table. “c taught us that invaders are teachers.” And even though starting a sentence with a lowercase c felt wrong — it also felt right.
“To everything there is a season…” Calliope added contradictions to Ecclesiastes 3, “… a time to feel quenched and a time for thirst… a time to hustle and a time to plod… Thank goodness Typist has the three of us… to guide her relationship with the clock…”
Only by learning to live in harmony with your contradictions can you keep it all afloat.
~ Audre Lorde
I like your drawing, very good. And remember this time of year up there is rough when it comes to illnesses. Rest up and feel better.
It’s a good thing There’s 4 of YOU! I’m curious though, when one feels under the weather, do all of you? 🤔
No matter, I’m sending love and light to the whole kit and caboodle of you!
“Kit and caboodle” is a slang expression, dating back to the mid-19th century, meaning “everything” or “all of it” (“The whole kit and caboodle...”