“When I feel overwhelmed by disorganization, I tidy,” said Nia.
Calliope scratched her temple. “I just read — Being a nice person doesn’t mean you have to sit through toxic conversations or interactions. Graciously, excuse yourself.”
Thalia licked froth from the lid of her latte. “Recognizing your emotions and then shifting from displeasure toward higher ground. Nice climbing strategies ladies!“
Words from Typist:
Today’s 3mm Thought Triangle was inspired by an article written by my friend Puneet Srivastava.
Climbing Maslow’s Hierarchy is about being aware of your emotions, accepting circumstances, and then taking an action to shift to a higher energy level. Thanks Puneet!
Do you remember when the muses and I were in Michigan and found joy in our first latte? Well… this morning we hit the dog park with Henny at sunrise. Instead of taking along our home-brew, we swung through a coffee shop drive through and used a gift card that had been collecting dust to treat ourselves.
Perhaps there’s a little something special you can do for yourself today!

I was reminded, by Puneet’s piece, of the AAA formula. Awareness, acceptance, action. For me there are times when awareness escapes me! Some “less than healthy states of being” can masquerade as old friends.
One practice I find helpful is sometimes called “Spot Check Inventory.” How am I doing in this moment? Am I feeling stressed, preoccupied, irritable? If so, what can I do? Sitting with that awareness usually stifles any internal debate about the status quo and then allows moving into the action stage.
Cappuccino! 🙃. Thanks for this reminder.
T-shirt: “2 STEPS TO HAPPINESS: (1) Get a dog; (2) Get more dogs” 😁
…and then a cappuccino!