“Drawist has come — a loooooonnnng way!” Thalia thumbed though last year’s cartoon-like drawings of the trio.
Nia wrote a question on the day’s planner square. How will you cast yourself today?
“The past is our teacher…” Calliope watched snowflakes float outside studio’s window, “… and the present is where we create with what we’ve learned.”
When you perform… You are out of yourself — larger and more potent, more beautiful. You are for minutes heroic. This is power. This is glory on earth. And it is yours.
~ Agnes de Mille
How will you cast yourself today?
“Spouse Assistant!” Gas up her car for our wedding travels tomorrow✅ Drive her car through the Blue Lagoon car wash✅ Pick up her dry cleaning✅
Pat our dog’s head/Ooops! That’s my job!
Assistance to spouse or dog, each has its own reward. Pay is about the same. 🤔Doing for and giving to others each has it’s own reward.
Playing fetch with Buster the kitty? That indeed provides its own warm, fuzzies. From each according to his own abilities; to each according to his needs.
Drawist has captured a beauty in her drawing today. For me, drawing human portraits have never been a strong suit. Today I cast myself as a detective viewing photos of knife wounds created by the killer in my story. What kind of knife was used I wonder?