The white circle… so I was checking out the circles, staring, and I figured out the white circle from cuts. Fine. But then I looked away slightly… and you know that effect when you stare at a colored object for several seconds, then look at a white space, and for an instant you see the inverse colors? I did — INCLUDING THE WHITE CIRCLE. Interesting. 😳
A note from LoveLetterist:
Will you name your muse?
Will you share in comments?
Terpsichore, Euterpe, Serenity, and Polyhymnia -- We are delighted you are here.
Will you add a comment related to today's conversation?
Perhaps it could be something like:
(Muse name) ______(action)__________. "________ (comment)_______."
The white circle… so I was checking out the circles, staring, and I figured out the white circle from cuts. Fine. But then I looked away slightly… and you know that effect when you stare at a colored object for several seconds, then look at a white space, and for an instant you see the inverse colors? I did — INCLUDING THE WHITE CIRCLE. Interesting. 😳