Calliope pulls her hood over her knit beanie. Despite warm air forced through a vent at her back, she shivers in response to winter’s cold and dark. “Brrrrrrr!”
Enlightened by lengthening days, and her awareness that their snow fort continues to grow brick by brick, Nia winks at Tal’s image. “Sweet!”
“Build the w-ehhhrld —” Thalia wipes paint splatter from studio’s tabletop, “you wahhhnt!”
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin
A note from LoveLetterist:
Yes... the weather stinks.
It takes me five minutes to bundle to take Henny out to potty. 🧤🧣🏂
If only she could go to the YMCA with the boys!
That said...
I am blessed with a cozy house,
art supplies,
and an active brain that's
animated by an enthusiastic spirit.
Sweet indeed!
In my magical manner I’m eating my words as fast as I write them! CSN sang, “And choking on hello...”
Top to bottom, LoveLetterist, today’s post was wonderful. The spattering of paint - how did you produce that? Of course the face near the lower right corner of your canvas? Do you see it too?
The block by block snow fort conjured memories of similar activity as a boy. Sigh. Cal’s “...warm air forced through a vent at her back” suggested she wears a very compact furnace for your weather conditions? A nuclear upgrade to the old Jon-E hand warmers from my youth? 😉
With the outlook exhibited by all (Henny?), including the quote by Anais Nin, I envision a splendid day ahead.
Carpe diem.