“BEEEE-GIHN!” Even though it’s well past dawn, Thalia crows like a rooster sounding an alarm.
“Never too late —” Nia picks up the thread and allows Calliope to anchor the stitch.
“… to become who you might have been.”
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
~Vincent Van Gogh
A note from Loveletterist:
What you do today matters. You might not be able to see where you are going or why... that's kinda cool. When we take action(s) for the love of what we are doing, I am now convinced we are selecting threads and colors that have the potential to weave beautiful tapestries.
Okay! Enough poetic metaphor. 😂
This morning on Clubhouse with my friend Elaine I read a chapter about transformation from my book Flourishing Fictions: Possibilities from A to Z. It was fun!
I'm aware that if I hadn't started the 100 Naked Words challenge over on Medium in 2016, I wouldn't have my name as author on 4 books. I wouldn't have the opportunity to share all of the valuable learnings I gather along the way. I would have stayed an egg, or a caterpillar, or... died? Our lives are our opportunity to make something amazing! We can begin at any time.
Here's a link to the Clubhouse replay if you are interested. Approx. 30 minutes in length.
Bravo! Encore! Or as Simon Cowell says, “Brilliant!”