An explosion of color unsettles Nia’s neat and tidy tendencies. Her frown swishes from left to right before centering under her nose. “Looks nothing like the lesson’s example.”
Thalia wiggles her brush with thumb and index. “It’s not sup-oooooo-zed to! The exercise was called Intuitive Painting for a reeeee-zon.”
Calliope blinks at the brightness. “Tal’s right… our intuition is not the same as the teacher’s… and that’s what fills the world with color.”
Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.
~ George Washington
I see a heart 💜 and that warms mine 💛!
🤔 Is “the teacher” a real person? Or a reference to the succession of striving for and mastering new skills, emboldening the paintist to continue in her striving?
Metaphor or fact, seems to be working. 😁