“Drawist can surely a tree,” said Thalia. “And we look pretty good, too! I think she’s captured our essence.”
Nia plied her discerning eyes and gave them voice. “We’ll need some additional details and color… Do I look teeny-tiny? Or, does Thalia just look big with all of those cascading curls?”
“Off to a fine start,” said Calliope. “Now the trick will be to just stick with it — to keep Typist moving forward.”
Words from Typist:
Why is it so difficult to pick a project and go?
Is it because of all of those pesky thoughts whispering, You can’t… Not good enough… Nobody will care… It’s gonna flop… blah, blah, blah?
Or, is it the nettlesome thoughts sighing, I don’t know how… Too much work… Why don’t you weed the garden instead?
I read a question in The Wisdom of the Sands by Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
Have you ever seen a tree growing up and, once it is fully grown, preening itself on its achievement?
The tree grows because it must.
Effort is about evolution and growth, not the end result.
Tell me… How are you feeding your growth today?
I fed my growth today by taking the afternoon off and browsed the stores. It's been a while. Love the drawing.
T-shirt: “Karma is like a rubber band. It can only be stretched so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.” 😁
Feeding my growth? Oh dear! Ummmm... I'm working on our church website, does that count?
Okay, actually I'm working on questions for a meeting about the church website tonight, that I can't attend in person because I popped positive with COVID the day after getting back from our Alaska vacation, so I'll be there via Zoom.
OK OK, I'm sitting in our porch next to my wife, sipping gourmet tea, listening to our backyard stream gurgle away, getting distracted by birds, animals, and the occasional email, while trying to think of website questions.
Got it! I'm letting my body recover its health while having my mind rediscover underlying creative paths... day dreaming, IOW.
I'm sorry, what was the question again?