Thalia sang, “🎶Oh give us home, where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play… 🎶”
Urania and Calliope giggled.
Rubbing her hand across Typist’s freshly shorn mane, Urania said, “Alopecia, not antelopecia Tal.”
“I know that!” Tal smiled. “Yesterday you challenged us to ride the bull, and turn into play? 🎶 Where seldom is heard, a discouraging word… and the skies are not cloudy all day.”
A word from Typist:
Not so bad?
When something gets in our way we go ‘round it.
Ripping off the Band-aid looks awesome on you. Very chic.
Amazing, Gail! Looks great. I am so loving your approach, such an inspiration. Thank you for being wonderful you.🥰