“O-vrrrr the rihh-vr —” Tal sings a song from her memory file marked ESD- Elementary School Days. “and thruuuu the woods —”
“Didn’t we sing that song before Thanksgiving?” Nia checks her ESD file.
“Indeed… We did.” Calliope confirms. “A prelude for… Joy to the World.”
Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void.
~Simone Weil
Our job is to create the void, to dig the well, to create emptiness so that the light of the world can pour in and through us.
~Rolf Gates
A note from LoveLetterist:
I have always had a great appreciation for people who "call it like they see it".
I'd noticed, and set aside, the hole this year's Frasier fir.
I didn't call attention to it.
Why would I?
After unloading a few items and carrying them to his room he said, "There's a hole in the tree."
"Sure is," I replied.
Enough said.
I like your adaptation of the stock original to one fully embracing Thalia! Or is that a generic curly haired woman?? What’s a road trip without a dog?! Over The River indeed! I remember it well.
In contrast with winter’s cold, the tree atop the car reminds me of my first summer job. Trimming Christmas trees. Scotch pines mostly, in seemingly never ending rows. $1.00 per hour. 1965.
I felt a temptation to refer to Cal as Miss Segue. Smooth as silk. Both quotes today remind me of the book title, Strong In The Broken Places. Not an automatic result but one requiring our participation, allowing/asking for help. Then doing the work.