“How do the beeeeeees do it?” Thalia scowled and scratched at her hairline. “Geometry is for nature — not muses!”
“Stretching — evolving.” Nia dug through the drawer in search of a ruler.
“We’ve made our point Urania… We don’t need the ruler.” Calliope glowed with a tiny light of accomplishment. Today the group found the New York Time’s Spelling Bee panagram, forming a word with all seven letters. “We ARE nature… and… we do so like how it feels… when we earn it.”
In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.
~ Aristotle
George Carlin: “Why is 'bra' singular and 'panties' plural?” 😁
I have not used geometry since... yesterday, when I applied bisecting a scalene triangle to a shared food item. 😊
Alas, the food item in question was a scone, which refused to slice cleanly, but the principles, IMHO, were entirely sound. 😇
Ahh... Geometry, my former lover! Intellectually speaking of course. In high school, the trifecta of Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry easily processed in my noggin. Seemed almost like a new language? I helped classmates in their learning curves with the language...
I imagined Cal today quietly ruminating, “To bee or not to bee? That is the question.” In the end there was one honey of a result! 🙃 Psst! Nia? I still have some drawing triangles from my graphics classes, a while back. A 30-60° and a 45° version. Edges of my engineer’s scale are somewhat nick-free so that’s able to be a straight edge, too. We could have language classes!
What about Universal languages, however? The language of love? I’ve seen a number of pictures and short videos recently exploring love across animal species and between animals and humans. Animals remembering former caregivers even after long separations.
John Lennon: “Let it bee, let it bee, let it bee, let it bee. Speaking words of wisdom, let it bee.” A nick here and a nick there. Sorry, John. Still grateful for the entirety of the Universe! And 3MM.